The Execution Revolution with Johan Grönstedt

The Execution Revolution By Guest Contributor Johan Grönstedt
The Execution Revolution By Guest Contributor Johan Grönstedt
The Sky Is No Limit Wins Best Business Biography Book Award 2024 LID Authors win two awards at the Business Book Awards 2024.
The Five Elements of an Effective Customer Experience Strategy By Guest Contributors Alan Williams & Dave Stubberfield Authors of Supercharging the Customer Experience, Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield, reveal the five elements of an effective customer experience strategy that drives…
Why You Shouldn’t Treat Customer Experience In Isolation By Guest Contributors Alan Williams & Dave Stubberfield Authors of Supercharging the Customer Experience, Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield, explain why CX shouldn’t be treated as a separate department and why organizational…
Why Chaos Isn’t Always Bad By Guest Contributor Michael Stanford Author of Leadership Transition, Michael Stanford, reveals how sometimes chaos can be helpful for leaders.
How Our Minds Work When We Are at Our Limits By Guest Contributor Michael Stanford Author of Leadership Transition, Michael Stanford, shares how our minds react when we are faced with challenging changes and transitions.
The Four Stages of Personal Transformation By Guest Contributor Michael Stanford Author of Leadership Transition, Michael Stanford, reveals the long and steady process towards transforming our core narratives.
Why Do You Need to Steal As An Entrepreneur? By Guest Contributor Neil Francis Author of The Entrepreneur’s Book, Neil Francis, shares why entrepreneurs need to copy from others and how that helps them become successful.
Why Do Entrepreneurs Need to Be Compassionate and Kind? By Guest Contributor Neil Francis Author of The Entrepreneur’s Book, Neil Francis, shares why entrepreneurs need to show compassion and kindness and gives tips on how to do it.
Why Do We Need New Leadership? By Guest Contributor Marc Beretta Author of Leadership Landmarks, Marc Beretta, reveals why we need a new kind of leadership and what it should be like.