Management mistakes and how to avoid them

As a manager or executive, you don’t want to make mistakes. You want to make the right decisions that will help your career and business progress. However, no one is free from making mistakes, especially as the world and business becomes ever more complex. In fact, most managers and executives make their decisions without being aware of the clues that separate the right decisions from the wrong ones.

This book unravels the mystery that lies between success and failure, focusing on management mistakes. It uncovers the reasons behind most decision errors and shows how to deal with them successfully. It proposes a better approach to goal setting, risk assessment, context analysis, information processing, number crunching and personnel management. It also gives the keys to overcoming the long list of cognitive biases that managers suffer from (whether they know it or not). The book is written from the diverse and rich experience of the author and is based on the examples of dozens of real management mistakes.


Marce Fernandez
Marce Fernandez is a management consultant and MBA educator. Prior to that, he was a senior executive in banking for 15 years. He is based in Spain.

Price: £14.99
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-911687-36-8
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-911687-37-5
Format: 216 x 138 mm
Number of pages: 304
Territories: World
Rights: All languages