This is the first title in the new “Navigating China” series of books written by leading experts in the field of international businessand cross-cultural communications. The book unravels the nuances of effective communication in China. It introduces readers to the basics of intercultural communication. It also highlights cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic factors that shape how Chinese people communicate. This essential guide will equip readers with the understanding needed to navigate cultural differences, making their cross-cultural interactions more successful and rewarding.
By combining theory and practice, the book presents insights and techniques in inter-cultural communication. How does our language reflect our thoughts? What is the relationship between our culture and communication? How can we overcome cross-cultural boundaries and communicate effectively both in interpersonal or business settings? For anyone doing business in or with China, this book is an essential tool for effective communication.
Price: £12.99
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-915951-04-5
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-915951-05-2
Format: 216 x 138 mm
Number of pages: 272
Territories: World
Rights: All