Making your online communications inclusive by Kellie McCord
By Guest Contributor Kellie McCord We hear from Kellie McCord from Toastmasters International, about how to make your online communications inclusive.
By Guest Contributor Kellie McCord We hear from Kellie McCord from Toastmasters International, about how to make your online communications inclusive.
By Guest Contributor Jean Gamester We hear from Jean Gamester from Toastmasters International, about how to reverse Zoom fatigue and how to connect meaningfully online.
By Guest Contributor Nicole Soames Author Nicole Soames, explains the basics of how to review your presentation in order to keep developing and improving, based on her newest book The Presenting Book.
By Guest Contributor Transform Hospital Group New research that shows how 6.8 million UK adults are underperforming at work because the UK lockdowns have completely knocked their confidence?
By Guest Contributor Nicole Soames Author Nicole Soames, explains the basics of how to deliver your presentation with confidence, based on her newest book The Presenting Book.